Aeroscout GmbH
Aeroscout GmbH is located in Lucerne-Horw, Switzerland. Our primarily flight base is close to Lucerne, Switzerland, approx. 1h from the Zurich International Airport. The company was founded in 2005 and is a spin-off company of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich and was spun off from the Institute of Dynamic Systems and Control (formerly Measurement and Control Laboratory). The company is headed by Dr. Christoph Eck (CEO), a former doctoral and post-doctoral student of ETH Zurich and a former managing partner at weControl AG.

Aeroscout is interested in promoting reliable and industrial UAV technologies for civil, paramilitary, scientific, and humanitarian applications. The Aeroscout team has been working on UAVs since 1995. The Aeroscout portfolio includes high-resolution aerial imagery, e.g. for photogrammetry and 3D aerial modeling, industrial plant inspection and photography, commercial videos and photographs, as well as scientific applications.
Aeroscout develops its own unmanned industrial helicopters and integrates state-of-the-art UAV components. Our UAV systems are continuously tested on the flight base and new helicopter systems keep being developed. Aeroscout provides a strong network of international partners, and Aeroscout products are internationally available. Aeroscout is registered at the Swiss Export Commission (SECO) for international export.
Aeroscout trusts our present and future customers will highly benefit from our competitive UAV developments, products, and services worldwide. Clients may expect UAVs customized by Aeroscout to surpass existing UAV solutions. Our UAV helicopters are also regularly inspected and controlled by the Swiss Aviation Authority (BAZL).
If it's airborne, it's Aeroscout.
Aeroscout is your partner for unmanned aircraft technology.